Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle OWL DaVICI Mosaic Picture Stained Toy Game Royal animal

Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle DaVICI Mosaic Picture Stained Glass Toy Game Royal gift 45 PCs NEW

Type - wooden puzzle
Material - wood
Age restrictions - 3+
Size of the assembled picture - 175x143
Number of elements (PCs) - 45

Grand celebration —
Know everything, everywhere!
Coming soon
In the family nest!
Royal owls
Everyone is invited!
share their joy,
wisdom, and success.
About what
A holiday Banquet?
Guess the riddle —
The puzzle has the answer!
And what a gift
Gave it to them?
It doesn't have to be
It will be expensive.
The main thing-sincere.
You find the answer!
From parts with a label
There will be a secret!

Грандиозный праздник —
Знайте все, везде!
Скоро состоится
В родовом гнезде!
Совы королевские
Приглашают всех!
разделить их радость,
мудрость и успех.
По какому поводу
Праздничный банкет?
Отгадай загадку —
В пазле есть ответ!
А какой подарок
Подарили им?
Он не обязательно
Будет дорогим.
Главное — душевным.
Ты найди ответ!
Из деталей с меткой
Сложится секрет!

DaVICI puzzles is a magical world of creativity and fantasy. This is a world full of adventure and dreams.
Bright mosaic images are based on surreal motifs in which fairy-tale characters live a full life. Each picture comes to life for you.
DaVICI slots will delight you and take You with them to a fabulous and delightful world full of secrets and riddles. Only You can find the solution to beautiful unique quests.
Wooden puzzles are an exact match of details, a colorful picture of a real artist and eco – friendly wood.
Mosaic files are created for an exciting journey into the world of children. Are you ready to travel?