Sunny Sun Power Sunflower Mix, 10 Species, Variety Sizes

This mix is comprised of a diverse blend of 10 interesting and colorful sunflower varieties that are sure to delight, inspire, and amaze. Suitable for all regions of North America. 

***VERY IMPORTANT! Seed count on this mix is very approximate as there are variable sizes of seeds. If you get many larger seeds your seed count will be lower. The weight given will always be exact or slightly more

Mix consists of:
"Dwarf Sunflower "Sunspot"
"Maximilian Sunflower"
"Ox-Eye Sunflower"
"Autumn Beauty" Sunflower
"Dwarf Teddy Bear" Sunflower
"Lemon Queen" Sunflower
"Evening Colors"Sunflower
"Taiyo" Sunflower
“Wild Sunflower”

"Giant Grey Stripe" Sunflower

Germination in 7-21 days

Collected: 2/24

Germination: 85%

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