TWO live Kwanzan cherry tree
Bare root trees
are 2-4 ft tall now
Shipped directly to you from our licensed family owned nursery located in southern Indiana

Kwanzan cherry trees are the most vivid and stunning of the cherry trees . They produce double pink blooms abundantly in the early spring . No other cherry tree comes close the the amount of blooms as Kwanzans
3 to 5 flowers in each cluster .
Blooms resemble pink carnations

30 to 40 ft tall full grown with 30 to 40ft spread
Moderately fast growing 12 to 24” a year
Hardiness zones 5 to 9
Hardy, adaptable and easy to care for
Prefer full sun (at least 4 hours daily)
Well drained soil
We carefully package trees in a custom priority box with roots wrapped in damp paper and then covered in plastic

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