This VHS tape features the 1999 animated comedy movie "Antz" by DreamWorks Home Entertainment. The film follows a neurotic ant named Z (voiced by Woody Allen) who sets out to impress Princess Bala (voiced by Sharon Stone) and ends up challenging the social order of his colony. The star-studded cast includes Gene Hackman, Sylvester Stallone, and Dan Aykroyd among others.

The tape comes in a clamshell edition and is NTSC formatted. It is suitable for English-speaking audiences and has a G rating. Perfect for fans of adventure, family, and animation/anime genres, this movie is directed by Tim Johnson and Eric Darnell. Add this classic to your collection today!

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** Might Show some minor signs of use scratches OR scuffs, discoloration, and some damaged corners. Please zoom in on ALL pictures for better details **

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** This is a fragile item, it will be shipped in a box with small cushion and large cushion bubble wrap to prevent item from being damaged during transit ** 

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