You are bidding on Rare Thai amulet calls 

 Tridevi Laxmi Saraswati Parvati Shakti Hindu Goddess Amulet

Pendant Size : 2.2 x 3.4 cm. (Approx.)

Rope Necklace Length : 60 cm. / 24 inches

** can put through head without to unhook **

This is Tridevi Laxmi Saraswati Parvati Shakti Goddess amulet.This is the amulet that will bring wealth money wisdom success harmony of life.

The Tridevi (English: three goddesses; Sanskrit: त्रिदेवी, tridevī) is a concept in Hinduism joining a triad of eminent goddesses either as a feminine version of the Trimurti or as consorts of a masculine Trimurti, depending on the denomination. This triad is typically personified by the Hindu goddesses Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati. In Shaktism, these triune goddesses are the manifestations of Mula-Prakriti or Devi.

Saraswati is the goddess of learning, arts, and cultural fulfillment, as well as consort of Brahma, the creator. She is cosmic intelligence, cosmic consciousness, and cosmic knowledge.

Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fertility, and material fulfillment, as well as consort of Vishnu, the maintainer or preserver. However, Lakshmi does not signify mere material wealth, but also abstract prosperity, such as glory, magnificence, joy, exaltation, and greatness.

Parvati, or in her demon-fighting aspect, Kali, is the goddess of power, beauty, love, and spiritual fulfillment, as well as consort of Shiva, the destroyer of evil or transformer. She also represents the transformational power of divinity, the power that dissolves the multiplicity of the Hindu gods into their unity. She is a direct incarnation of Adi Parashakti.

Hindu Priest in Bangkok of Thailand created and blessed this amulet in 1980s for using as 

Wealth Rich Money ,Wisdom ,Success ,Harmony of life. Amulet.

This Tridevi  Goddess Amulet will bring you Luck, Good things will unexpectedly happen to you.It also make you success in anything you hope for.This Amulet will bring Prosperity and ensure success in human endeavors.

It is very rare and looks so beautiful.

It will be one of the best in your collection!!!!

                        WE ACCEPT PAYPAL .. ONLY!!



I sell only genuine antique Thai Amulets ,Pendants.



 In this world economic crisis, if you have Thai antique Amulets with you. It will help to prevent any Bad things and protect you from Evil.
It also brings Luck, Wealth, Fortune and encourage you to fight any obstacle with a powerful help of Ancient Magic.


 It's also Beautiful and very nice for your Antique collections too.

I have big collection of 
Life Protection Amulets 
in my store 
please come in and check them out!!!

Thank you very much


Good Luck and Happy Bidding