CANNY?5.3 pico is small-sized, cost-effective automotive programmable logic controller with CAN 2.0A/B interface, three general purpose IO channels, up to two LIN interfaces and protected ADC.

The on-board physical layer CAN an LIN interfaces allows to receive and transmit any valid messages.

Three universal, high voltage general purpose input/output channels can directly drive relays or other loads with sink or source current up to 100mA and/or listening input switches/pulses.

This controller is small enough to hidden installation into automotive wirings or ECUs. This is an ideal platform for building custom custom CAN or LIN-connected immobilizers or CAN<->LIN<->UART bridges.

Another popular application of CANNY?5.3 pico is the fast and cost-effective connecting of CAN-less sensor, switches, relays and other inputs and loads to CAN-network.

Using CannyLab? Integrated Development Environment controller can be programmed in simple but powerful graphical way. The internal USB interface is used for the firmware updates.