This is a thrilling issue of Rurouni Kenshin #22, published by VIZ Media in December 2005. The manga series is set in Japan's feudal era and follows the adventures of Kenshin Himura, a legendary sword fighter. In this issue, Kenshin and his friends encounter a group of bandits who have stolen a valuable treasure. The story is written by Kenichiro Yagi and illustrated by Nobuhiro Watsuki, Pancha Diaz, Shinya Suzuki, and Shinga Gin. The cover art is by Nobuhiro Watsuki and Matt Hinrichs.

The manga is in English language and is part of the adventure and historical genres. The issue number is 22, and the series title is Rurouni Kenshin. The characters in this issue are Gein, Sanosuke Sagara, Megumi Takani, Kaoru Kamiya, Battosai Himura, Hyoko Otowa, Banjin Inui, Hajime Saito, Yahiko Myojin, Hyoko Otowo, Mumyoi Yatsume, Enishi