1000+BLANKET FLOWER Seeds Perennial Native Wildflower Drought Heat Cold Garden

BLANKET FLOWER. Native North American Heirloom Wildflower. A.K.A Pinwheel flower. A flowering perennial from the sunflower family. Likes warm dry summers, and sandy soils, but will thrive just about anywhere with 6+ hrs of sun. Blooms all summer into fall. Pretty much carefree after established. 1000+ Quality seeds. Thank You!

Gaillardia aristata (common blanket flower)


Full sun.

Spring, soil temp 70F+.

SOW 1/4" deep, 4" apart. Keep moist.

Germ 15-30 days.

Thin to 12".

Height 18 - 30" x 12".

Medium water. Light fertilizer if needed.

Flowers are red/yellow. Blooms from early summer through late fall.

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