Warren Distribution LU23JD2G Hydraulic Fluid (2GAL JD)

Lube King, 2 Gallon, John Deere Hydraulic Fluid, Formulated With The Finest Quality, Severely Hydro Treated, High Viscosity Index, Paraffinic Base Oils, Rigorously Tested Additive System To Deliver Unsurpassed Protection & Performance, Benefits Include Exceptional Protection Against Wear From Microscopic Contaminants & Higher Operating Temperatures & Pressures Ensures Long Equipment Life, Critically Balanced Frictional Characteristics Ensure Precise Clutch & Wet Brake Operating With Unsurpassed Chatter Suppression, Extra Resistance To Thermal Degradation Provides Superior Protection Against Oxidation & Deposit Formation & Prevents Acid Formation For Exceptional Protection Against Rust & Corrosion, Allison C-4, John Deere J20a/B/C, J21a, Hygard J14b/C, Type 303, & Many More.

  • It is highly durable
  • It is a good quality product
  • Manufactured in China
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