Immerse yourself in the magical world of Fairy Tail with this Ultimate DVD Collection. This set includes all 328 episodes of the anime series, 2 movies, and an OVA. The collection is presented in NTSC video format with an aspect ratio of 16:9, and includes English and Chinese subtitles. The anime series follows the adventures of a group of fairy tale characters as they navigate their way through the magical world. With an emphasis on action, adventure, drama, and fantasy, this collection is perfect for fans of the genre. The DVD set comes in a tall/DVD case and is rated PG. It is produced by Anime and features dubbed and subtitled options. This Ultimate DVD Collection is a must-have for any anime fan and is sure to provide hours of entertainment.

Season 1: Episodes 1-48

Season 2: Episodes 49-96

Season 3: Episodes 97-148

Season 4: Episodes 149-175

Season 5: Episodes 176-228

Season 6: Episodes 229-277

Season 7: Episodes 278-307

Season 8: Episodes 308-328

Season 9: Episodes 329-328