These are sold singly, as reading copies: expect all flaws.
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  • Owner's names and/or other markings on the inside wraps.
Is Raistlin truly dead?

The answer lies in the new Dragonlance novella by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, which gazes into the future of Caramon and his mage-son, and into the dark nether-past of Raistlin.

Untold tales of Krynn.

Tales of sea monsters, dark elves, ice bears, hideous hydra-headed serpents, and loathsome draconian troops.

Further adventures of the kender Tas; the innkeeper Otik and young Tika; the dwarf Flint and Tanis, leader of the companions; Caramon and Raistlin, twon brothers, one, a genial warrior, the other, a sickly magician and scholar.

Nine short stories by superlative writers, plus an exciting new novella by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.

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The legend of Raistlin's daughter!
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A wondrous new novella journeying into secrets of the heart and rumors about the past that have bearing on the future of Krynn.
Plus ten exciting short stories -- untold tales of chivalry and affection, heroic quests and foul villainy, magic in battle and transcendent defeat -- featuring all the beloved companions and fantastical creatures of the best-selling Dragonlance Saga.
The story that has entrhalled over three million readers worldwide, as created by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.