This cascading bouquet of lilies looks up to receive a trickling rainfall from bloom to bloom with the Arabella Fountain. Make a statement of tasteful décor in your garden with this stunning steel floral design and water element in one. The gentle sounds of the ever-flowing water regale your attention with its quiet manner and elegant design. Bask in the peaceful rainfall-like sound, while sketching the orchids or reading up on the local restaurant reviews. The golden painted finish adds a warm touch of color to the steel arrangement, and the simple square base lifts up the stems to a total of 46” high. The fountain will do best in the shade, as sunlight encourages algae growth. The added result of creating a shady corner nook with your baker’s rack of potted plants, or setting it near a favorite reading spot on your covered patio, will be the lovely gift, when you have a moment of solitude, to rest, refresh and enjoy your own little calming oasis, at home.