The El Rodeo is produced annually by a student staff at the University of Southern California and published by Josten's American Yearbook Company in Visalia, California. Advising the project were Mona Cravens, University Editor, and Dave Sorenson, Josten's publishing representative.

The book is printed on 80 lb. gloss stock. The cover is silkscreened chocolate on buckskin. The cover is a 1560 Map of the World as drawn by Sir Francis Drake. Body copy is set in Melior 10/12. Headlines are Souvenir Medium 24/26, 18/20 and Americana 36/38 (Housing). Captions and identifications are set in a combination of Souvenir Medium and Palatino Italic 10/12 and 8/10 respectively.

Special Report section was done in Eurostyle Medium and Bold. Press run was 9000. Two thousand, eight hundred and fifty-three Senior Portraits were taken by Garfield Studios. Some group photographs were taken by Cliff Kalick Photography Studios. Color printing and processing were done by GP Color. All other photography, photo processing, layout design, copywriting, typesetting, artwork and graphics were done by a 30-member student staff.