2 X CICATRICURE crema ojos reduce visiblemente arrugas y bolsas revitaliza y da luminosidad al contorno de los ojos 8.5g Each

Promotes skin resistance to gravity stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin tightens and hydrates while visibly reducing wrinkles and fine lines of expression. Softens the skin Improves humidifying Reduce the lines of expression.

Promueve la resistencia de la piel repara danos de la gravedad estimulando la syntesis del colgeno y elastina mientras la tensa e hidrata disminuyendo visiblemente arrugas y finas lneas de expression Suaviza la piel Mejora la humectacion Reduce las finas lineas de expression.        

This listing is for two bottles crema ojos only.

Este  listado es para dos crema de ojos solamente.

Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, yo hablo espanol, con mucho gusto, gracias.

All my items are guaranteed authentic products or your money back.

Please message me with any questions and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can.

Payment - due within 3 days end of sale.

Shipping - I will ship within 1 business day of receipt of payment.

I strive to provide excellent customer satisfaction, item descriptions and detailed pictures, but if I were to miss a flaw: please message me, I will be happy to resolve any issue for you.

Thank you for looking!

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Listing and template services provided by inkFrog
