Naval Compendium, published under the supervision of the Naval General Staff. Volume SSCS. # 9 September 1915. In Russian /Morskoy Sbornik, izdavaemyy pod nablyudeniem Morskogo Generalnogo Shtaba. Tom SSSKhS. # 9 sentyabr 1915 g. Petrograd. Typography of the Maritime Ministry, in the Main Admiralty. 1915.VIII, 25,29.173,42 nn. (Advertising) c. Editor-Senior Lieutenant K.Zhitkov. Content: Official Department. Orders # 244, # 305. Unofficial Department. Around the Old World in 1904-1905. E.Egoryev.-Letters from America. D.White.-Notes on deviation. B.S.-Russian official reports on the war-Marine Chronicle. Separate appendix of technical articles. Operation to rescue ships. Translation from English by P.Speshneva.-Identification of the moment of inertia of midel by experimental means. L.K. -Reception of non-extinguishing oscillations. -About low-power radio stations. Y.Menshikov Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb5d3a8c33746542c9