Besides protecting you from witches and sorcerers that serve the Dark Lodge, the Boksi Kanda energy will also repel most forms of negative energy, as long as it is not your karma to receive it, and helps one to block possession by evil spirits as well as to free others of such problems. Both wearing the Boksi Kanda and being attuned to it will also make it much easier for you to make and maintain alliances with the Naga as this plant spirit is their Guardian as well as that of the physical forms of the Naga which includes all venomous snakes, gila monsters, alligators and crocodiles. Alliances with all such creatures may not be an absolute guarantee of safety from them, but does help a lot. And, it will help you to recover from their poisonous bites should you ever receive one. Of course, the best way to avoid being bitten by snakes and gila monsters is to not bother them. They do have the right to defend themselves just as you and I do.


There is one other exceptional benefit to wearing the Boksi Kanda, or of being attuned to it, and that is a general sense of peace and tranquility. And, while this sense of things can be disturbed, then it is much simpler to return to it by asking the spirit of this plant for help. It will give it to you.