Historical Gazette. 1914. October. In Russian/Istoricheskiy vestnik. 1914. Oktyabr. Petrograd 1914 by I.Sokolov: Slavic eagles. Poem. Historical Chronicle. M.G. Veselkova-Kilshteth: On native soil. Roman. Part Two of XIX-XXIV. (cont.) A.F.Rukevich: From the memoirs of an old Eritrean. 1832-1839 cont. V.B. Bertenson: For thirty years. (Leaves from memoirs) I.I. Yasinsky-Belinsky: Shadows of the Past I. F.F. Troziner: Wilhelm II in his own light. V.V.Umanov-Kaplunovsky: Horrors of the City (from everyday stories) Continued. S.Von-Stein: War in the Life and Works of Lermontov. I.I. Gurvcic: The forgotten writer (D.I.Stakheev. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb707af6c5d179d863.