Thank you for taking the time to look at the items in my store. Below are some specific details regarding this item and the way I do business. Happy Shopping!!!
  • This item is BRAND NEW, factory sealed with an expiration date of 11/2025.
  • The packaging may have any of the following: retail price tag, sticker residue, product labels, or other stickers. Package may have shelf wear or damage.
  • Please look below for detailed product information.
  • Please review all pictures prior to purchase. Pictures may be stock photos. If you want to know if the picture is of the exact item, please message me.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please message me prior to purchasing. 
  • I will ship within two-business day of receipt of payment. It will be shipped via USPS Ground Advantage.
  • I leave positive feedback once payment is made. I would ask you return the favor once you are in possession of your item.