Thorzhevsky. A.I. Materials on the hydrometry of the rivers of the Amu-Darya basin: Volume 1: Amu-Darya between Kerki and the Aral Sea. In Russian /Tkhorzhevskiy. A.I. Materialy po gidrometrii rek basseyna Amu-Dari: Vyp. 1:Amu-Darya mezhdu g. Kerki i Aralskim morem. With the attachment of 8 photografias in the text. A.I. Thorzhevsky. Under the editorship of Eng. B.L. Grzhegorzhevsky. M-vo zem. Department of Land Improvement. Petrograd v. R. Golika and A. Wilborg, 1916. 2, 66, 5 p. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbadd54c38a4a76045