From the founder:
One of the powers of the Heart Seed Atom (Sixth Brain) is the ability to seemingly transcend the bounds of physical injury and pain. This is the core of such programs known as “inner power” in which people are able to gain control over being hurt by bullets, knives, other sharp objects and fire. Mentally, it is also the place where physical and mental healing begins, where the ability to love comes from as well as its counterpart known as hatred. Because of these energies and activities, the members of the “New Science” have decided that this Heart seed Atom is actually another brain since it is a part of the body that they have finally realized has the ability to think and to make change on its own. In truth, all of your body, soul and spirit are a part of the same energy and so can do this. They just haven’t recognized that yet, and would likely never admit it since it would destroy many of their pet theories that they like to claim are facts, and upon which they have built their reputations. What really makes this empowerment work is the fact that it vastly increases your ability to express Divine Love for all of the rest of Creation, and it helps you to know – not just believe – that we are connected to all of the rest of Creation. Indeed, it helps you to realize that we are all One, and that there is really no death of destruction of the spirit or anything that the spirit chooses to manifest. Many people say that Love is the greatest power in the universe, but this empowerment will set up a year long process that will cause you to experience this fact is vivid detail.
This empowerment has a few “side effects” that it is best to be aware of before receiving it. One is that you will naturally have a greater sense of compassion for others, and may even become empathic if you are not such as that already. I can tell you from personal experience that developing such abilities, if you have not had them before, is simply no fun at all. Feeling emotional pain where there was none before is anything but fun. In fact, I encourage you to avoid it! To this end, protections for the experience of empathy are built into this empowerment so that you can choose four levels of feeling. One level is to feel everything, and this is a great tool for diagnostics when doing healing work and counseling, but it gets a bit overwhelming if you feel it all the time and everywhere you go. The second level is to limit it somewhat so that you can sense what is going on with someone you are working with or healing so that you still sense what is happening with them, but are not overwhelmed by the sensory input, and the third level is simply a residual empathic level that allows you to be more aware of your environment whether for the purpose of facilitating better social interactions or for greater personal safety. The fourth level shuts the empathic openness down completely. This empowerment also brings a deeper since of knowing and intuition so that you are better able to pick up on messages from the spirit world. This works because of the expanded ability to love, and because of your awareness of being connected to all of Creation. Such a degree of intense love and connectedness can often be frightening to people, and that is why this process takes a year to complete. To throw a person fully into this energy could cause a vast host of emotional problems so we ease you into it gently. In this way then you receive a continual growth into greater happiness and joy in all areas of your life. To receive this empowerment then you will have a process to do now that will bring in the initial energies, and that will connect you to the Source of Divine Love that resides at the center of all of Creation, and provides the fabric that maintains the multi-verse and holds it all together. In Cherokee Medicine we know this Source as the “Original Mind”, and it generally manifests in the spirit world as a massive golden Celestial Dragon within an Orb of brilliant golden light. Do not be surprised if you see, feel and hear it in the process of receiving this empowerment. When I was initiated as the Ukdena Uku (Dragon Priest) for the Asaga Medicine Society I was blessed with the opportunity to spend some time with the Original Mind in its Orb, and those energies are replicated for you here. It may well be that you will be taken there as well, but you will definitely be connected to that energy! There is also another requirement in that you will need to do the Sixth Brain Meditation for the next twenty-eight days following receiving the initial empowerment energies, and that process will be explained in detail in the manual. Don’t worry it will not too strenuous, and will not take very long to do.