Gary Jennings. The Blood of the Aztecs. In 2 Volumes. In Russian/Dzhennings Geri. Krov atsteka. V 2-kh tomakh. Volume I. The Path of the Ancestors. Volume II. The Heir. A pen from V.Volkovsky. Series: A Historical Novel. M., St. Petersburg, Exmo, Domino, 2009. 496 and 480 pp. About people of mixed blood who have shown resilience in the face of enmity and persecution. This is the story of Christo Bastarde, a young man who combines Spanish blood and Aztec blood. He will have to walk a difficult path from the Inquisition walls to the palace of the Vice-King of New Spain before he learns the truth about his true origins. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb131ca9a0535e6ee6.