50 Seeds Tasmanian Chocolate Tomato Tomatoe Vegetable Garden Edible Canning
This heirloom variety is perfect for growing in containers or raised beds where space is at a premium. This variety produced heavy, juicy fruits, so be sure to use strong stakes.
Name: Tasmanian Chocolate
Type: Determinate
Use: Slicer, salad
Light: Full sun
Soil: Sandy loam
Mature Size: 3 ft. tall
Days to Maturity: 80-85 days
Plant Your Tomato Seeds
Place two or three seeds into each small container or each cell of a seed starter. Cover the seed with about 1/4" of soil and gently firm it over the seeds. Water to ensure good seed-to-mix contact. You can use a plant mister or just dribble a stream of water over the top.
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