THIS IS 7000X BLESSED WITH "WEAVING THE WEB" This is an ages old spell that Albina says is derived from Celtic Magick derived from the strengths of the Spider and it has been kept " in close confinement within many small circles" for many, many years. She says that this AMAZING spell will offer the bearer resilience, strength, healing, dream message and completion! There are three main elements to this spell
1 PHRASE WILL ALLOW- Mending the web- Albina says that this element of this powerful spell will assist one by allowing one to "recover and bounce back from any negative or draining experience". She says this is due to the Magick's energies that encourage resilient recovery" in Albina explains that this magick works in the same manner that a spider's web is torn and the spider almost instantly begins to mend the tear! This element will promotes healing, recovery, self- nurturing and inner strengths! She says that this element will also help one to empower inner stores of energy and "rise again" to face new challenges!!She adds that "relationships with others have also been known to heal as a result of this element of the spell!"
2ND PHRASE WILL ALLOW- Widening the Web- - Albina says that this aspect of the spell, will "open one up" to become more receptive to "dream messages and pyschic visions". Albina says that "Spider webs have often been viewed as protective, as well as portals!" She adds that "the same is true with this spell, as the bearer will be able to experience a protected channel in which to communicate with hgiher realms and the spirit world!" She says that this element will "allow one to dream, vivid dreams in which communication is easy, free flowing and often remembered in detail." She says this is helpful when one needs vital information or guidance and one wants accurate information from guides and higher realms. .
3RD PHRASE- WILL ALLOW- Completing the Web- This final, potent element of the spell " will allow the bearer to bring matters to their completion!" Albina says that this element calls upon potent Ancient energies to bring forth the "result" of what one has chosen to accomplish! She adds that often one's destiny will also be revealed as this element;s energies take effect! Albina says that "much like the intricate, detailing of a spider's web..One's goal meeting it's fruition is often as precise, accurate and amazing!!"
Albina adds that one may often "dream in LATIN" as one is aligning with this VERY potent BOX! She says one should not fear this, the Magickal can "unlock" this experiences and this will actually assist in helping one access the "locked" abilities/powers/ and attributes! She sends her sincere wishes and heartfelt Blessings to the person she feels will claim this amazing Magickal
Albina advises that store written requests and pictures within as often as possible over a period of 2 weeks. She also advises that one wrap this piece in a white cloth or a piece of fine fabric before storing it away. In closing Albina sent her "sincere and Warm" wishes! My Own Warmest wishes and Thanks to Albina for all of her devoted time a