Beautiful has been used and has rust on the inside of the bag, Please see pictures as they are part of the description. Most items we sell are pre-owned, gently used or vintage (20 years or older) and may have slight imperfections or light wear and tear due to age or prior use. Some items we sell although preowned are in like-new condition. We will describe the item’s condition “as we see it” at the time we listed it to the best of our ability and knowledge and will provide photos; however, we may not capture everything exactly. Items that have slight imperfections or flaws, will be disclosed in the listing’s Condition Notes, and have “As Is” included in the Title. We do wash, iron, clean, dust, sterilize, freshen, polish, etc. most of the items we sell, when it is safe to do so, prior to listing and shipping. Some vintage items we leave alone and sell “as they are”.