This product is a pair of valve covers made of plastic, designed to fit Ford Mustang, Explorer, Edge, and Taurus models with V6 3.5L and 3.7L engines. The set includes a gasket and mounting hardware. The manufacturer part numbers are 0APEVC0081PC and CNVG-F3901K. The valve covers are black with a matte finish. The product is new old stock (NOS) and comes from China.
Representative item set is shown. New open box valve covers without original packaging. Includes gaskets and bolts. Made in China. No returns if installed. This item is a new, opened customer return. It has been inspected and passed quality control to insure the condition described and contents are accurate. Please review actual photos as stock photos are not the actual item, our photos are. You will ONLY receive exactly what is shown in photos, regardless of what might have originally been included. Please review our business policies in our store for information regarding returns, shipping and warranties.