"Secret Daughter" is a captivating novel by Shilpi Somaya Gowda, a first edition paperback published by William Morrow in 2010. This special edition includes a dust jacket and is signed by the author, making it a unique addition to any literature lover's collection. The story delves into complex themes of identity, family, and culture, making it a compelling read for fans of novels that explore human connections and emotions. Perfect for those who appreciate literature and fiction, this original edition is a must-have for collectors of first editions.

This English-language book is a part of the novels category, suitable for readers who enjoy literary works that delve into personal and societal issues. With its unique attributes and timeless story, this edition of "Secret Daughter" stands out as a valuable and collectible piece for those interested in antiquarian and collectible books. Don't miss the chance to own a piece of literary history with this special first edition that offers a glimpse into the talented storytelling of Shilpi Somaya Gowda.