Featuring with its consumer-focused extra long tabs, Power One batteries are manufactured at the world's most up-to-date and biggest production site for hearing aid batteries in Ellwangen/Germanywell recognized for manufacturing quality and detailed precision.

Subject to Germany's stringent safety guidelines and quality checks, every cell is tested for its electrical and mechanical characteristics in compliance with its specification.

Awarded for Best in Class performance in 02/2018 - This is not the Expiration Date (please check back of card for current EXP)

Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: The stainless steel housing offers high stability and safe protection against corrosion. power one cells provide additional reliability and safety due to - threefold sealing design - patented PTFE film technology. FRESH BATTERIES Shelf life 2-3 years. We sell the Genuine Pack like the picture made in Germany Original Germany pack of 60 batteries High Quality Zinc Air Battery size 312 or Brown tab Proven under extreme climatic conditions in long term testing