Marmande is an enormous French market tomato. They are one of the most popular heirloom tomatoes in Parisian produce markets. Many Chefs prefer them over most other tomatoes due to their juicy, rich flavor.
Marmande is a unique Non-GMO tomato variety that produces even in cooler temperatures and does exceptional in northern California and Oregon.
Marmande is very popular throughout Europe and is used extensively by market
gardeners, and is an excellent slicing tomato.
They are very good early producers that yield fruit sized like baseballs. The giant individual fruits can reach sizes of nearly 3/4 of a pound.
They have a ribbed appearance that really stands out.
Culture Notes:
Sunlight -Full
Days to Germination-5-10
Planting Depth-1/4" in pre-moistened seedling mix.
Life Cycle-Annual
Sowing-Indoors or Outdoors in warm climates
Days to Maturity-75