Embrace your punk side with this black jacket, complete with tartan edging and red ribbon corsettry. Made of cotton and lined with polyester, this short jacket is perfect for any alternative fashion enthusiast. The jacket is a size L and has a bust/chest width of 42 inches, making it a great fit for women of all shapes and sizes. This jacket is perfect for anyone looking to make a statement with their fashion choices. The punk theme is embodied in the jacket's design, making it a must-have for anyone who loves alternative fashion. Made in the United Kingdom, this jacket is of high quality and is sure to last for years to come.
length 24", waist 32", sleeves 23", press stud fastening, 4brass butons on cuffs and front-18, tartan edging, and red stin ribbn corsettyr on sides and back as well as logo, in white.. a fab new item