text clean, binding tight, edge wear, pages yellowed, Candlelight Ecstasy Romance #223, 1984, 186 pages, , spine & covers creased,
Additional Details
Product description: Everyone in the tiny Texas town knew! How could Marilyn Davis explain? Hunter Templeton-- the handsome new minister-- hadn't been kissing her. He'd been making a point!
But he was wrong, Marilyn thought, if he believed she could "come back to life." Not yet. It wasn't the divorce. What could have held the marriage together after little Bobby died? Her child had been everything to her. Who was this impossibly sexy, irrepressibly romantic man who walked into her life, took her in his arms, insisting she remember-- and go on? Who was he to turn her sorrow to joy, her tears to laughter? Did she dare accept the warmth, the pleasure, the life he offered? Could she accept his challenge to live--and love-- again?