Havana Cigars. Book is Brand New.

Havana long ago carned its title as one of the world's best cigar-produ-cing regions. Cubas fame is indisputable - equal to that of a grand eru for winemakers - yet chis success is due in large part to men such as Gerard Pere et Fils, who produced a remarkable work, The Connoisseur's Guide to Havana Cigars (1990).

And here is Havana Cigars. The authors first work offered a close-up. look at the technical aspects of Havana; che aim of chis book, how-ever, is to give readers the true sights and smells of cigars. The multifaceted beauty of cigars is almost pal pable: the color and grain of the envelope, the balanced structure, and the perfect shape all contribute to the infinite wealth of the subject. A sumptuous voyage offers a selection of the best cigars, with full-size pho-tographs, followed by the specific characteristics of each: style, aroma, and flavor.

An irreplaceable homage to an exceptional product, one of the highest expressions of a quality life-style, as revealed by Gerard Pere et Fils.