500+ Organic Roquette Arugula Seeds Salad Rocket Garden Rocket Salad green USA Seller

Arugula also known as salad or garden rocket is one of the nutritious green-leafy vegetable of Mediterranean origin. Some of common names of garden rocket are rucola, rucoli, rugula, colewort, roquette, etc. Arugula is a leafy green vegetable, like lettuce and spinach. It is a member of the mustard family. Like other leaf crops, growing Arugula in cool weather is best.

Roquette Arugula is a leafy vegetable with a peppery, spicy taste. It is most commonly used for salad greens, or cooked like spinach. It is also used it in soups, pastas and pestos.

Cover seeds lightly with 1/8" or less of fine garden or seed starting soil. Seeds will sprout in 3-10 days. Seeds sprout in cool soil at 40 to 55 degrees F. After seedlings have sprouted, thin to two inches apart in rows 12" - 18" apart.

Arugula or Roquette is easy to grow. It likes full sun, but will tolerate partial shade.

For best results, grow Arugula or Roquette, quickly during cool weather, in moist, fertile soil. It gets the name "Rocket" for its speedy growth under these conditions.

The soil should be rich, and drain well. Mix compost into the soil, prior to planting. Add fertilizer when planting.

Weed around plants frequently.

Plants thrive in cool weather. Plant crops for spring and fall. For a continuous harvest during this period, plant succession crops.

Arugula will withstand light frosts.

Roquette is ready to harvest in 40 days. Pick young, tender leaves. Larger leaves get tough and bitter tasting. Leaves can also taste bitter in warmer weather. Eat greens fresh, in a salad, or cooked like spinach.For a continuous harvest, plan a new crop every 2-3 weeks until the heat of summer.