500+Purple Top White Globe Turnip Seeds(Brassica rapa)Vegetable seeds USA

This is the most widely grown turnip variety world wide! The tops of this versatile vegetable can be cooked as greens, and its edible roots are good for storing, canning and freezing! From the top of their fresh leafy greens(turnip greens) to their bright purple tops and creamy white bottoms-turnips are a nutritional superstar. High in fiber, the turnip may help to reduce inflammation of the colon as well as the risk of diverticulosis.

Sowing and planting:

For turnip seeds to germinate, minimum soil temperatures must reach 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Direct sow purple top white Globe Turnip seeds in rich,deeply worked soil and full sun,1/2in deep in rows12-18in apart. Under ideal growing conditions, they'llgrow very fast and can reach maturity in 45-65 days. For hunting season, plant late summer in the north or early fall in the south.