200+ Chinese Pink Celery Seeds(Apium graveolens) Rose Celery Khuenchai Kan-tsai Kin-tsai Kunchoy Qincai Kinchay USA
Origin in Northern China, Chinese Heirloom. Tall to 25 inches(65cm). Compact plant offer an abundance of thin, Brilliant bubblegum pink stalks with green leaves. Easier to grow than European Celery, and ealier 20-30 days to harvest than common celery.Flavor is bold and lightly sweet. Texture is light and Crunchy. Popular in Asian cooking, Thai cuisine favors this type of celery in their flavorful dishes.
Sow and Grow:
Chinese celery prefers a cool climate and shade when grown in the warm summer season. Germinate and grow well in 59-68 degrees F. or 15-20 degrees C. If the temperature is lower 59 degrees F. or higher 68 degrees F, that will be effected the germination. If fairly cold hardy, the plants require fertile soil and adequate moisture. Slow starting but once established, Chinese Pink celery is ready to cut in about six weeks.