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Suzanne works as a wedding planner, and she really needs the money she would make from planning the wedding of air-headed bridezilla Nikki Borden to stock car racer Jonas Strickland. Suzanne has been divorced for two years from her husband (of four years) stock car racer Ryder Jefferson. Suz walked out on him (and I'm not really sure why, except they weren't getting along) but has never really stopped loving him (although she would die before admitting that to him). Ryder never stopped loving Suz either, but he has a hard time communicating his feelings, as does Suz. Really, these two have no idea how to talk without someone getting defensive, which leads to arguments about nothing. Anyway, due to some technical glitch, Suz and Ryder find out that they're still legally married. This puts all kinds of thoughts in Ryder's head, because truthfully, he never wanted to get divorced, and he thinks this may be a sign that they should stay together. But how will he convince Suz of that? They've always been red hot in the bedroom, so maybe they can start there?