Embark on a whimsical journey to the iconic Sesame Street alongside your beloved pals Big Bird, Elmo, Oscar the Grouch, and Cookie Monster! Our collaboration with the Sesame Street cast has resulted in these delightful character hat topper sets, available in four vibrant color palettes. Each 95yd (87m) cake of CYC 4 100% polyester yarn is perfectly suited for crafting a charming child-sized hat. Whether you prefer knitting or crocheting, we've got you covered with detailed instructions for both techniques. So, grab your needles or hooks and let your creativity soar as you create projects that exude the undeniable "Street" cred. ==== FEATURES: ===== A. Adorable character hat topper sets featuring Big Bird, Elmo, Oscar the Grouch, and Cookie Monster
B. Bright and colorful designs in four different colorways to suit every style
C. Collaborative collection with the beloved Sesame Street cast for a fun and playful look
D. Delightful way to show off your love for Sesame Street while staying warm and stylish in the winter months