PEMF therapy reduce pain and improve quality of life, Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy re-energizes damaged cells
by inducing electrical changes within the cell that restores it to its normal healthy state.
PEMF therapy introduces a low frequency pulsed electro-magnetic field (PEMF) that recharges the cells of the body,
allowing them to float freely, increasing their effective functioning surface area and enhancing circulation and
help the body’s natural healing processes
oxygenation and hydration. At the same time cellular ability to absorb nutrients and remove toxins from the body is greatly increased
PEMF Therapy Devices are designed help the body’s natural healing processes by enhancing circulation, oxygenation, nutrient absorption,
energy production and detoxification, etc.
How Does PEMF Therapy Work?
Pulsed PEMF therapy sends magnetic energy into the body. These energy waves work with your body’s natural magnetic field to improve healing.
The magnetic fields help you to increase electrolytes and ions. This naturally influences electrical changes on a cellular level and
influences cellular metabolism. It works with your body’s own recovery processes to help relieve chronic pain.
The human body requires electricity to sign signals throughout the body and to your brain.
PEMF therapy effectively can realign the electricity in your cells. When a cell is stimulated,
it allows positive charges to enter a cell in an open ION channel.
The inside of this cell becomes positively charged, which will trigger other electrical currents, turning into pulses.
This can positively influence movement, healing, and sending of signals. Any disruption in electrical currents can lead to dysfunction or illness.
Pulsed PEMF therapy helps restore this disruption in electrical current to the normal state, which promotes overall wellness.
Waveform: Square
Intensity: 200 Gauss
Frequency Range: 1 to 150khz
Power Input(computer cable): AC100-240V, 50/60Hz
Maximum Peak Power: 30 watts
cushion Coil Outer Diameter: 210mm (8.25")
cushion Coil Inner Diameter: 140mm (5.5")
cushion Coil Thickness: 21mm (.83")
Number of Output Coils: 95
cushion Coil Cable Length: 2 m
Easy to use, no training required.
Duration of use: Unlimited
The soft cushion loop allows you to sleep through the night.
Pursuing restorative therapy while you're asleep.