The Goeppertia Makoyana, commonly known as Peacock Plant, is renowned for it's stunning patterns and colors. With 2 different shades of green making up patterns on the top of the leaf, and a dark purple/ burgundy color making up the underside, it's hard not to stare. This particular variety of Calathea comes all the way from eastern Brazil.

Light Exposure

Your Peacock is happiest with partial sunlight, and can actually be damaged by full sun, causing it's leaves to dull and lose their vibrancy.


Your Peacock Plant enjoys conditions much like the jungles it is originally from. This plant prefers humid soil, however how often you water largely depends on where you decide to give your plant a new home. Refrain from placing your new Calathea near drafts or heating systems, as this can trigger a defensive response in which they will curl their leaves to save moisture.



Please check your local weather forecast before buying. We recommend you add a heat pack to your order if are ordering live plants and cuttings and your area is experiencing temperatures below 45 degrees Fahrenheit.