UP FOR SALE IS Joe pye weed, boneset, Eupatorium purpureum 1000 seeds.
Joe pye weed is a handsome statuesque stunner. it is adorned by butterflies and other pollinators that are attracted to the enormous vanilla-scented pinkish-burgundy flower clusters, which measure 6-10" across atop of 3-12' tall plants with purple specked stems that are encircled by swirls of mid-green lance-shaped leaves. In full bloom they are a sight to see.
they generally like moist soil but mine have been growing in regular to low water conditions and are 7' tall with lots of large flowers. I live a few miles north of Seattle, so I do get lots of rain. 
Joepye weed is a huge plant that needs allot of space so make room.
Zone: 4-9
Sun: full sun
Water: regular to moist.
Soil: not to rich, well-draining soil.
Height: 3-8' tall.
Bloom time: late summer.
difficultly: the seeds are slow to start, and the seedlings will take a while to get going but once they do you will have a low maintenance plant. just water well and cut the old stalks down in early spring then let it go.