Theatre Arts
Most issues publish a complete play (With photographs from the current production), as well as reviews, photos and features about the theater, theatre arts, current productions on Broadway, off Broadway, Opera, plus fabulous vintage ADS, and MORE -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below!
Issue Date:
November 1962; Vol. XLVI, No. 11
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THE COVER: VIRGINIA MARTIN as the ebullient Belle (Little Me)
making her vaudeville debut in the new musical Little Me, that
makes its Broadway debut this month. A detailed encounter with
SID CAESAR, the star of the show, begins on page 17. Cover photograph by Friedman-Abeles.
Mr. Music of "Mr. President" by Ward Morehouse. [Irving Berlin]
The Seven Caesars by Richard and Betsy Gehman. [Sid Caesar, with photos]
Theatre of the Absurd:
It Is Only a Fad by Glenn M. Loney.
It Is Here to Stay by Faubion Bowers.
Myth-Mocking Hit by John Keating.
The Lost Theatre Audience by Norman Nadel.
OPENINGS/NEW YORK: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Stop the World -- I Want to Get Off,
The A flair, Come On Strong, Eddie Fisher at the Winter Garden.
The Hostage by Brendan Behan.
"There's No Place on Earth Like the World!" by Caroline Swann.
Theatre on Discs by John S. Wilson.
The Screen by Lawrence H. Lipsk-in.
Before and After Theatre -- by Sheldon Landwehr.
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Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition! (See photo)