1. Swords in Ploughshares. Poets of Peace in the Struggle for Peace in 3 volumes: Australia, Asia, Africa. America. Europe. 2. Swords in Ploughshares. Soviet Poets of War and Peace in 4 volumes. In Russian/1. Mechi na orala. Poety mira v borbe za mir v 3-kh tomakh: Avstraliya, Aziya, Afrika. Amerika. Evropa. 2. Mechi na orala. Sovetskie poety o voyne i mire.-4 toma. The design of the book uses works by Pablo Picasso. M. Book. 1986. 205 and 191 and 207p., miniature format 84x90 1 / 64. Circulation 7000 copies. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb37e3960048596393.