SNAPDRAGON " TETRA MIX". A blend that will add lots of color to your garden and cut flower arrangements with very little care. Pretty much care-free after established. Steady medium water and a little fertilizer if needed. A bee and butterfly magnet. Bumblebees will climb into the "mouths" and sometimes completely disappear into the flower and are completely hidden. Really nice when planted in mass. Late afternoon shade is beneficial in hot summer areas. Usually grown as an annual, though a perennial in zones 5 and warmer. Deer resistant. Tetra Mix Snapdragon seeds will bloom all summer into fall with a mix of Pink, Purple, White, Red, and Yellow. They Offer Fall, Winter, and Spring blooming in optimal climates. Matures into 18-24" tall stalks, perfect for fresh cut bouquets, displays or arrangements. Easily grown from seed. Also does great in med/large containers. 2000+seeds per order. If you leave a few stalks to die naturally in fall, they will reseed themselves for the next year. Each plant will produce about 100,000 seeds, there very small. Thank You!
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