Minuteman’ Hosta sports deep green leaves edged in pure white. Made for the shade, ‘Minuteman’s’ bold contrasting foliage makes it a standout - it almost twinkles in the dappled light of a woodland garden or shady spot. Great in containers too. Pale lavender flowers appear in July, attracting hummingbirds. (Hosta)
Zones 3 - 8
attract-hummingbirdsAttract Hummingbirds
multiplies--naturalizesMultiplies / Naturalizes
containersGood For Containers
rabbit-resistanRabbit Resistant
Light Requirements
half-sun--half-shadeHalf Sun / Half Shade
full-shadeFull Shade
Mature Height 10-18" tall , 24-36" wide
Growing guide:

drought-tolerant once established these plants are at their best in evenly moist soil in partial shade, although a very few will tolerate full sun with sufficient water. Once established, hostas can handle drought and will compete successfully with tree roots in the north, but need regular watering in the south.

fertilizer/soil + pH/zone
Hostas thrive in average, even, and damp soils that are slightly acidic and will benefit from a light application of fertilizer in early spring. These low-maintenance plants can be ignored and they will still perform. However, to get the most out of them, provide deep rich soil with consistent watering along with occasional side dressing of compost or aged manure. An organic mulch is appreciated but keep it away from the crowns. Zone 3-9.

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