Product information:
Category: Digital Oil Painting
Material; linen
Custom processing: Yes
Work Name: Customized Digital Oil Painting
Visual effect; plane
Production method: pure hand-painted
Subject: Characters
Outer frame: no frame
Color classification: classic 24 colors
Color: classic 24 colors
Whether the cross-border export special source of supply: Yes
Main sales areas: Africa, Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, North America, Northeast Asia, Middle East
Whether to import: No
Main downstream platforms:, Amazon, wish, AliExpress, independent station, LAZADA
Have licensable own brand: Yes
Size: 40*50 without inner frame, 40*55 without inner frame, 50*65 without inner frame, 50*75 without inner frame, 60*60 without inner frame, 60*75 without inner frame, 4050 with inner frame, 4050 Combo box, make up the difference
Style: modern and simple
Space: living room, bedroom, study room, dining room, hallway, commercial space
Genre: Academicism
Type of oil painting: digital oil painting
Whether the source of patented goods: No
Packing list: