Pollen Pollen is tiny pollen collected from flowers by bees.
Hippocrates called Poland "the fountain of youth." Poland has been in use for thousands of years.
The male pollen constitutes the pollen, these pollen are collected by the bees in the passage between the flowers.
They cling to the bees' feet and so the bees actually give Poland unique features.
The pollen is collected in a unique facility adjacent to the beehive and thus maintains its high efficiency.
Poland is rich in antioxidants, beta carotene, proteins, minerals, B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
Recommended dose:
It is recommended to gradually consume 2 grains per day on the first day and double the amount daily for a week.
After that, regularly take 2-3 teaspoons for an adult.
For children up to the age of 12 - a teaspoon a day.
Capacity: 250 grams
kosher Parve