50x -200x cast
This spell draws in the potent Ancient energies to dramatically enhance one's customer appeal and powers of attraction". This enhancement will increase many others "need to want what you offer, your services and wares" as well. Albina says that one will actually feel a 'a surge of energies" as the customers and clients begin flocking in. In turn, one will notice that one's business receives MUCH more attention, increased traffice, profits and popularity!!
This will also draw in energies that will "brighten one's business and overall presence" with a charge of power that other's can subconsciously detect! This rise in one's business' "glow" will become quite evident to others who will feel compelled and drawn to be your customer or client. Albina says that this element can create a surge of power of such high intensity that often creates "dramatic displays of attention for your business".
Albina also aligns one with the precise energies that assist in "rising to higher levels of success". Albina says that the strong energies drawn in will raise and empower all success energies around one and one's career and business.
Please allow 2- 5 days for this to fully align