Title: The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci
Author: Dmitri Merejkowski
Translator: Bernard Guilbert Guerney
Publisher: Modern Library, New York
Publication Year: 1928
Format: Hardcover
Condition: Good
"The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci" by Dmitri Merejkowski, translated from the original Russian by Bernard Guilbert Guerney, is a captivating historical novel that delves into the life and times of Leonardo da Vinci. This edition, published by Modern Library in 1928, blends historical facts with fictional narrative to paint a vivid picture of the Renaissance master.
Please refer to the photographs in the listing to see the condition of the book.
This edition of "The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci" is an excellent addition to any collection, ideal for enthusiasts of historical fiction and readers fascinated by the life of one of history's greatest artists and inventors. Don't miss the opportunity to own this classic work!