Why do pets need puzzle toys?

Improve IQ and cognitive ability: This pet puzzle toy provides mental stimulation, keeps the mind alert and increases its IQ.

Use challenge game toys to help reduce boredom, prevent pet anxiety, and provide pets with great stress relief.

Jigsaw toys are suitable for pets, making them busier, more lively and reducing their destructive behavior.

Pet toy is a problem-solving skill, it is a fun puzzle toy, suitable for dogs and cats who need more challenges.

Interesting jigsaw puzzles have built-in toy components, and moving puzzles will not hurt dogs and cats. Helps pets play for longer periods of time.

Features & details

【Size】: L9.44" * W9.44"* H1.14" suitable for cats, puppies and small dogs.

【Interactive Dog Toys】This is a fun interactive puppy puzzle toy, which can easily become the closest companion and toy for your puppies and cats, and will release pressure for dogs. Find food by sliding parts to improve eating pleasure and IQ.

【Slow feeder】This slow feeder encourages pets to eat at a slower speed, helps to slow down the feeding time to help the dog digest, and can provide your dog with a variety of healthy snacks.

【Slow Feede toys】 Use this educational game toy to exercise the dog’s brain, which will help meet the dog’s instinct needs, train the pet’s sense of smell, and let the dog enjoy fun feeding when using the nose or paw to move the slider, while providing spirit stimulate.

【Dog toys】No toy is indestructible. Do not leave toys with unsupervised pets. Remove and replace toy if damaged.


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