brand. pr nefrt egypt
size. 1.5*1.5 inches
The entire length of the necklace is 32 inches and the fit can be easily controlled
made in EGYPT

The Eye of Horus (formerly the Eye of the Moon or the Eye of Ra) in ancient Egyptian Ojat is an ancient Egyptian symbol and emblem with amulet properties. It is used to protect against envy, evil spirits, harmful animals, and disease. It is in the form of a necklace that a person adorns with, and expresses the royal power derived from the gods. Horus or Ra. It is a solar symbol, which embodies order, strictness, and an ideal situation. This necklace was also placed on the chest of the Pharaoh's mummy to protect him in the tomb. The ancient Egyptian artist excelled in making them of gold and shaping them so that they bear images of Horus and the god Ra, the symbols of life (ankh), permanence (jet), and sound (sa). The peaks served as a symbol to indicate global and international stability during the era of the Pharaohs