SBL Argentum Metallicum
Common Name: Silver Leaf and Precipitated Silver
Causes & Symptoms for SBL Argentum Metallicum
- Argentum affects all the cartilages, and hence all joints and bones, with tearing and bruised pains, tenderness and weakness, painful, so-called "hysterical" joint, without swelling, pain in rib cartilages and especially the left.
- The muscular system is also affected with cramps in limbs, calves feel too short on going downstairs, stiffness, numbness, electric-like shocks in joints and limbs, painless twitchings.
- The heart is specially affected, frequent, spasmodic, though painless twitchings in whole heart muscle, worse lying on back.
- Sensation as if heart stood still followed by trembling, then irregular violent throbbing indicates Argentum Metallicum.
- Argentum Metallicum relieves Palpitation, at night, during pregnancy.
- Vertigo on looking at running water indicates Argentum Metallicum.
- Headache increasing gradually and ceasing suddenly, at acme as if a nerve being torn, usually left side.
- Extreme dryness of mouth, tongue sticks to palate indicates Argentum Metallicum.
- Metrorrhagia, large lumps with violent pains, worse by every motion relieves Argentum Metallicum.
- Argentum Metallicum acts more on the left side than the right, left ovary is affected.
- Argentum Metallicum is suited to thin patients with hollow eyes, pale skin, tendency to tubercle, caries, deep ulcers, imbecility.
- Tenderness is prominent in Argentum Metallicum. It is indicated in tearing pressure and pains in the bones. Parts feel bruised when pressed on.
- Hoarseness of singers and speakers, worse speaking or singing indicates Argentum Metallicum.
- Laughing causes cough.
- Symptoms worse in sleep, nausea in dreams, seminal emissions.
- Worse By touch, pressure, riding in carriage, lying on back, sitting, stooping. At noon, at night (profuse urine), Uncovering (chills before midnight), Entering warm room, Sun.
Onanism and Sunstroke.
- Restlessness, which forces one to walk quickly. Ill-humor and aversion to talking.
- Dullness, and sensation of emptiness in the head. Confusion, as if caused by smoke, and sensation of intoxication, with tingling in the head.
- Pressing, tearing pain in the skull, principally in the temporal bones, renewed every day at noon, with soreness of the external head, aggravated by pressure and contact, ameliorated in the open air.
- Cramp-like pains and shootings in the head. Pain, as of excoriation in the scalp, on the slightest pressure.
- Pimples on the temples, with pain, as of ulceration.
- Itching in the eyes, and principally in the angles. Swelling and redness of the edge of the eyelids.
- Shootings in the ears, with incisive pain, which extends to the base of the brain.
- Gnawing itching in the external ear, causing the part to be scratched till it bleeds.
- Sensation of stoppage of the ears indicates Argentum Metallicum.
- Epistaxis, after blowing the nose, or preceded by itching and tickling in the nose.
- Stoppage of the nose, with itching in the nostrils indicates Argentum Metallicum.
(description exceeds maximum possible length)